Thursday 13 July 2017

The beauty of Port louis || Islander 04

Hello humans !

It has been a while since I last posted, apologies :p

For the first time in my twenty something years, I have been to Port Louis moments after dawn. I was blown away by the beauty of it all. I was lucky enough to witness a breath taking sunset.

Around 7 - 7.30 a.m, the city starts to get crowded and due to the amount of traffic, it is not very easy to pause and enjoy the view.

I took a few snaps and wanted to share them with you. Again, I am not a photographer and my phone camera is not really that great, so excuse the quality.

Labourdonnais Hotel

The Harbour

Sun rise


Penning off,

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Annoying things

Dear Humans,

I compiled a list of some of the utmost annoying things:

1. Sneezing while wearing red lipstick !
I am not talking about those tiny sneezes, but the ones that come unannounced and you feel like your lungs are gonna squeeze out of your body ! It is already an unpleasant feeling imagine that happening when you have carefully applied red or any dark shade lipstick. Eurgh i hate it !

2. People who cough/sneeze behind you in public places and do not cover their mouth
Gosh I can vividly picture all that bacteria coming out of their mouth right onto my hair. Disgusting really.

3. People who chew with their mouths open
Like seriously? Who wants to see that?

4. People who play with their fake teeth !
OMG this sets me off so bad! I just cannot handle the sound.

5. People who do not flush toilets
I am sorry, do you have somebody else do it at home? ><

6. Family members who attempt to clean/organise your room.

7. Family members who feel way too at home when they come over to your place.

8. Old people carrying heavy bags

9. DECEMBER ! Thank God it's finally over !

10. the mauritian 'attitude'

Tuesday 3 January 2017

2016 to 2017


December 2016 definitely made it to the top of my crappy December list. It was horrible most days, slightly more bearable on others and let's forget that the 31st even happened ! I wish i could get into every inscrutable detail but I will try to let go of it all. Though I must say 2017 does not feel like it is going to be a great year for me. I truly pray otherwise !!

Usually i do not make resolutions.. and i would prefer not to call the changes I wish to make this year 'resolutions'.

I primarily need to change my perspective. My mind is an uncontrollable evil beast ! Seriously.

Secondly I wish to do more of the things that make me feel better and not depend on others to dictate my mood & thoughts. Looks like i have drifted off from myself.. engaging into activities that really do more harm than good to me. As cheesy as those quotes about 'loving yourself' and 'being positive' that float around on the internet may seem, they seem to hold some degree of truth in them.

Thirdly, focus on my ambitions.
As evil as my mind might be, there are some pretty interesting ideas and ambitious projects in there. Although somewhere deep inside there is the ability for me to achieve all of those, laziness, lack of focus and dedicating my attention to petty things that will not help me become a better person seem to over power my brain. Hopefully this post will remind me not to get back into that vicious circle again.

I watched 'He's just not that into you' recently again. Do watch it and read the book as well if you haven't.. girls especially !! It definitely makes you realise that you really gotta live your own life... going after some guy will not get you any far. If a guy really wants you for something serious other than one night stands, then he will make the effort. Gigi's story is my favourite ! I probably need to keep watching that movie and care less about stuff.

Lastly, not giving a shit.
I am probably going to fail beautifully at this one ! But we'll see.

That was not a very interesting blog post.. whatever..

Penning off,

Wednesday 21 December 2016

My Ideal Bookshelf | December 2016

Hello Humans of the Globe !!

There exists on this Earth an art form we call 'writing'. Tis true that nowadays a lot of rubbish has made it into the category. However, there are still masterpieces that are being written by amazing authors and also, books that have already left their marks on this world that can satisfy a reader's hunger for good writing. 

There seems to be this great confusion that if something is popular, then it is supposedly equally valuable. Spefically, I am referring to people who are cutting corners and becoming 'writers' of popular books..pretty sure they have not even read classics !  It can be frustrating when these books become best sellers.. of course there are exceptions but very few.

Anyhow, I have compiled a list of writers whose work I have had the opportunity to read so far in my lifetime. They have left me in awe for their writing is so pure, creative and hold such literary value !  Some of these books simply touch you and you just cannot resist reading them over and over again. They are like watching your favourite movie time and again, knowing the whole thing by heart (Harry Potter readers might relate :p). 

There will be sequels to this particular posts as I believe I have yet to read many more master writer's work !

Disclaimer : the following list is no order of priority whatsoever and genres differ, as well as literary value of their work. I have added my favourite book next to the author as well

  • Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
  • Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist 
  • Monica Hess - yet to find my ultimate fav. but highly recommend The Girl in the Blue  Coat
  • Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet 
  • Tenessee Williams - beautiful use of the English language !! Yet to find my favourite. 'The Glass Menagerie' is a great read. 
  • Virginia Andrews - Any one of her books really.. she grabs you from the very first sentence
  • J.K Rowling - Harry Potter Series undoubtedly
  • Paula Hawkins - not necessarily any favourite but she writes damn well
  • J.R.R Tolkien - The Hobbit ! 
  • George Martin - an excrutiatingly detailed and painstakingly well written series - GAME OF THRONES ! 
  • Jojo Moyes - The one plus one 
  • Geoffrey Chaucer - Canterbury Tales (must admit that it is very hard to read)
  • Harper Lee - Classic : To kill a Mockingbird
  • Jane Austen - no favourite but appreciate the writing style ! 
Anyhow I gotta run people, penning off, 
BusLady ! 

Thursday 8 December 2016

Depressing December

Hello Humans of this planet !!

So I hate December. Worst month of the year. HATE HATE HATE ! Like, what's with all the festivities? It is just depressing !

With festivities come crowds of people and with people come hypocrisy ! I just cannot handle it.

And are people actually that happy? Is that humanly possibly? Or maybe I am the defective one..most probably !

Anyhow I just had to input these few words somewhere on the internet. I will be sulking till next year mid January..when everyone will be sad and broke !! :D That'll make me feel normal XD

Penning off, BusLady

Sunday 20 November 2016

Recent Read : the Girl in the Blue Coat by Monica Hesse | Thoughts

Hello globe dwellers :)

It's been a while since I posted a recent read.. not that i did not read any books but i have the bad habit of not finishing books :p I keep starting new books and then forget about them and then come back again much later and finish reading them :p Some I do not even finish because I truly believe if the beginning does not blow my mind then the end will probably be as rubbish.

So anyway, this one I finished in 3 - 4 sittings because it was that gripping ! It was really refreshing to read a story based in Amsterdam at the time of war. History is really something that makes me sleep unless my boyfriend is telling me about it or as i have just discovered is the backdrop of a fictional story. The fact that the author did not make the 'history' part up is mostly why this book will be added to my favourites. I got to learn about shitty situations in which Jews were living at the time, the power of Hitler and the cruelty that came with it, a lot about Amsterdam ( not that i was particularly interested but I would like to believe that  I have few additional useful neurons added to my brain now XD) and about the pain of losing someone.

I bought this book purely because of the cover. Yes, the title does remind you of the girl on the train but the story, plot and genre are completely different. Also, this one is wayyy more interesting as i genuinely could not guess what was going to happen next. I was very much oblivious to many details just as the main character. The story is narrated by the latter and you kind of picture everything from her perspective. Monica smartly leaves a lot of cues which eventually contribute to the climax and ending of the story. I honestly was unable to pick all of them - i was blinded by what Hanneke describes, sees and feels. She is grieving her dead boyfriend and that somehow transcribes in all her actions and decisions. At one point I did get irritated by her lack of judgement but then what can you expect from someone who is in so much pain? She feels betrayed by her best friend and her overly worried parents do not make her task any easier.

The whole plot basically unfolds around Hanneke's search for that Jewish girl in the blue coat. Sounds boring yet it is the complete opposite. Bravery is a recurrent theme and so is grief. Not the depressing kind of grief; the motivating kind of grief, the inspiring kind - the kind which makes you get up in the morning and do things for people purely so that they do not have to go through the pain of losing someone.

The fact that Hanneke and her circle have to be camouflaging almost all the time and the fact that they always have to have a cover story kind of got to me. I understand how it feels when you have to hide a major chunk of your existence to :
1. your family
2. ennemies
3. strangers who behave like they are family

It was exciting to see the characters rebelling silently against the Nazis. I almost wanted to be a character in the book :p Almost.

Monica writes with such fluidity, it is an absolute pleasure to read. I would say it was easy to read but that would take away from the literary value of the language. It was also fun to know the meaning of words like : 'onderduikers'. I say words but onderduiker is the only one i remember right now XD

 In a few words the books was: enriching, astonishing, inspiring and to the point  !

Definitely recommend it !

Penning off,
A hungover Buslady ( hung over that book ! )

Thursday 10 November 2016

Ae Dil Hai Mushkil

Nope, nothing that you have not seen in a Karan Johar movie before (except for an extremely sensual beautiful aishwarya :p)

THOUGH..watching the movie does transport you in a dark emotional sad place.. you can really feel that Karan Johar wrote this film from a very personal space. Kudos to him for trying to put a piece of himself out there..

Ranbir Kapoor was amazing but it is nothing that he has not done before. It is just a combination of everything he has done to be honest. The role suits him well and he does justice to the character but I was kind of expecting more novelty. That did not happen .

Anushka was WOW ! new new and nothing I have seen before. Loved her performance. She should get best actress popular. Popular because she has done more demanding roles in the past :p

Aishwarya or should i say Saba was beautiful and graceful.. very up front about her desires :p that makes you somewhat uncomfortable in the cinema but otherwise great job !

The storyline is not new.. but the dialogues and the expensive clothes..great music.. SRK's cameo..alia bhatt's cameo.. all comine into a nice film. Not a 300 crore is not that ground breaking beautiful but does deserve a 100 crore..

Anyway.. penning off