Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Recent Read : The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins | Thoughts

Hello Humans !!

If you read my blog then you know I have this thing where I write a post about the books that I read (sometimes). Reading is very therapeutic. I get to see the shit unfolding in character's lives and for some reasons, it makes me feel better :p Like I am not the only one with a shitty life.. Sometimes I feel like I am leading the characters life. Does that sound crazy? Probably.

Anyhow, I recently read The Girl on The Train.

On my copy of the book, someone reviewed it as the next Gone Girl. Sadly, I do not share the same opinion.

After Gone Girl, i was like : SHIT ! WTFF ! OMG !

I did not really have the same reaction for this one. I think I read so many reviews of this book where people are raving about how unpredictable the author is. Maybe she is, but i figured the story out about halfway through the book. I had thought I would be mind blown, but i was not. Nonetheless, it is a great story, Wonderful writing. There is a line from the book : "...there's an itch at the back of my brain that i just can't scratch." That is exactly how I felt during the first half of the book. I wanted it to be like that till the very end. I slightly hate myself for figuring out the plot beforehand.

Rachel is a delight to read - I got so engrossed in her character that I sometimes felt like i was drunk myself ! That's how good the narration is. The drowsiness, blurriness and blackouts - so very well described. I love how the narration is not one where the character is feeling bad about drinking from the beginning. How gradual the shift is from religiously drinking to having to snap out of it. Most impressive part was that she was not helped by anyone.

Megan is one character that I did not connect with - on any level. I could not understand the fascination Rachel had with her nor her way of being really. Though, I assume there are actual real people out there like that.. Anyhow, not much to say about Megan.. She is not alive for the most part of the book.

Anna has very little narration. I did not like her very much from Rachel's perspective but when I read her viewpoint, she made much more sense. I would have loved to read more of what Anna felt.

Anyway, for her first book, Paula Hawkins did a smashing job. I would say this book was a solid 3.5/5 stars. I adore the fact that all loose ends were tied at the end of the book because I hate to be left hanging :p

It is not a lazy book as well - in the sense that you have to keep track of events and the date stamps at the beginning of each chapter. For someone who was bored to death as me, it was entertaining! I cannot wait to watch the movie in ! Plus, it stars one of my favourite actresses as Rachel <3

Penning off,

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