Thursday 9 June 2016


Define power. 

Some have political power, some intellectual and others simply exert power through their behaviour and the effect they have on other people. 

It can be negative or positive.

But what is power if we do not allow it? 
Would Barack Obama be the president of the United States if people had not voted for him?
Would Darwin be the God of evolution and natural selection if the scientific community had not tested and acknowledged his theories and research?
Would the notion of God even exist if people did not believe in it?
Would social media be so widespread if people did not pay attention social networks?
Would you be where you without some kind of power - whether be it the financial and emotional support of your parents or the ability to put it the hard work required to be where you stand at this very moment?

We all need some form of power to go on in life, kind of along the lines of 'energy can neither be created nor destroyed'. We just take bits and pieces from our surroundings and mould ourselves into what we are. 

Usually, one's support system is his major source of power. But what if that support system is shit? Like actually no good comes out of it. All you get only makes you powerless,smaller and tinier. Certain have the strength to leave and find other niches(kind of their power) while others simply cannot. Not because they are not strong enough, but because they are bound by so many constraints and still try to find some hope and goodness somewhere. 

Anyhow, power lies in people. There is a form of power - or energy if you prefer in each and every one of us. There is nothing worse than feeling powerless - especially because the sources from which you are supposed to recharge yourself are simply no good.  Power also lies in our choices - how we decide to make someone feel, the tone in which we speak, the way we respond or just the energy we radiate really.So dear human reading this, if you have the ability to make someone's day better, please do. Be it in the form of charity or even a polite smile to someone who might be having a really hard day at work or pumping someone's confidence up or helping someone in facing their bullies, then by all means go ahead. 

There is too much hurt, negativity and violence in this world. 

Excuse the rant

Penning off,

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